How To Make Your Own Tile Mould Cleaner?

Regular cleaning of your tile and mould is a must job to maintain. Tiles are very useful, they’re waterproof, stain proof and dirt proof you just need to wipe and they’ll shine like new. Maintaining your tiles and grout are must job to do. Due to mould health problems causes and it makes the place unhygienic and the spots which look ugly will create a poor look to the tiles. If you’re thinking that bleach helps in tile mould removal from your bathroom and washroom, then think again Bleach it actually remove the protective layer of the tile and fades the colour of the tile. But don’t worry, you can prepare a safe and effective solution to for mould removal. If you find it difficult you can go for the professional mould cleaning service. By different modern techniques and eco-friendly solutions, the professional tile and grout cleaner will look after your problem and serve you the best quality of service with 100%gurantee.

Tile Mould Removal

Tile Mould Removal

Follow The Instructions To Make Your Own Mould Cleaner;

Before cleaning you need to gather some item for mould removal

  1. Soft cleaning brush
  2. Spray bottle
  3. White vinegar
  4. Tea tree oil

Shower The Water

  1. Hot water helps in eases the process of removing moulds.
  2. Spray some hot water on the mould affected area.
  3. With a soft brush scrub the surface, do not go hard, gently scrub the brush all over the mould.

Prepare The Solution

  1. Fill 375 ml white vinegar in the spray bottle and fill the rest of it with warm water.
  2. Add 30 to 40 drops of tea tree oil and close the bottle and shake it properly.
  3. Spray it on the affected area and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. After 15 minutes rinse the tiles, you have cleaned the tiles from the mould.
Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning

Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning

Hire Professional

While commercial mould cleaning agents are harsh and not safe for you and the tiles. You can use this same solution in large quantity. Pour some of the solutions in the towel and gently wipe it on the surface. It’ll clean the mould, but if mould still exists you may need a professional tile and grout cleaner. IANS Cleaning service is a trusted service by professional tile and grout cleaner in Canberra. You can call us and seek the best professional mould cleaning service in Canberra, Melbourne.