How to Clean Grout with Vinegar?

Cleaning the grouts and the tiles is a very essential thing to do to make your place look clean and attractive. You are not supposed to wait till the grout turns brown and dirty. It makes your place look ugly and uncomfortable to use. Hence it is very important to clean the grouts and tiles regularly in a very proper manner.

There are many homemade solutions that can act as a great and effective cleaning solution. So here are few of those amazing cleaning solutions and techniques by which you can make the Tile and Grout look clean and neat.

Using vinegar:

  1. Using vinegar can also help you to get rid of the stains on the grouts completely. Put the vinegar into the spray bottle. Spray the solution on the grouts, let it dry for few minutes and then clean the stains on the grouts.
  2. Make sure you use distilled vinegar or specialized cleaning kinds of vinegar to clean the grouts. Only that vinegar can work effectively to remove the stains.
  3. You can make use of a toothbrush to rub the grouts. You can also make use of a gentle brush to clean the grouts.
  4. After rubbing the grouts, you will have to use a wet towel or a wet cloth to remove the leftover vinegar. Post to that you will have to clean the place with water.

Using Baking soda:

Tile Cleaning with Baking Soda in Canberra

Tile Cleaning with Baking Soda in Canberra

  1. Combining two spoons of baking soda with one glass of water will make an effective cleaning solution for you to clean the grouts.
  2. Prepare this solution in sufficient amount. As you will have to clean a large area, you will have to prepare more amount of cleaning solution.
  3. You can simply apply this paste on the Grouts with the help of your fingers. And then start rubbing the grout with a soft brush.
  4. Another way is to put the mixture inside a spray bottle and then spray it wherever you want to clean. After spraying you will have to rub the stain with a toothbrush.
  5. Don’t forget to clean the paste you have applied with a wet cloth. Then wash the entire area with water.

Make use of vinegar spray:

Tile Cleaning With Vinegar

Tile Cleaning With Vinegar

  1. You can put the vinegar in a spray bottle and then use it whenever required.
  2. Just spray the solution on the stains and then scrub the stains on the grouts with a soft brush.
  3. Finally, clean the mixture that you have applied to clean with the help of a wet cloth.
  4. You can also make use of a salt and vinegar mixed solution. Just mix a little amount of salt in vinegar and then applies the mixture wherever necessary. Start scrubbing the place with the cleaning mixture and then you will have to rub it until the stain goes completely.

The above given are few tips to be followed at the time of cleaning the grouts of the Tiles. Vinegar is really an effective cleaning agent and that can be used in combination with any of the other cleaning solutions.